How long can you survive the lava lamp?
This game game works best when played in full screen

You gain points every second equal to the amount of time you have survived as well as the amount of times you have grazed a blob~

You also get points for destroying blobs, the amount of points you get from this increases depending on how big the blob was originally and how close you where to it was destroyed multiplied by how many lives you had left at the time~

The controls are simple~
* The player follows the mouse pointer and will automatically shoot forwards
* holding down the left mouse button fixes your rotation allowing you to focus fire in a certain direction
*pressing the left and right mouse button twice in quick succession will activate a bomb so long as you have at least one.

The bomb is a powerful Lasor beam that will destroy any blobs in its path but be warned, using the bomb will reduce your score and  you wont gain any points by destroying blobs this way

Published 16 days ago
TagsArcade, Bullet Hell

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