Welcome to True colours of the Illusory Forest~

Overview: Trapped in an enchanted forest, you're  attacked by mischievous fairies. quick to rely on deception. Some of their bullets are mere illusions, designed to disorient you.

Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Fairy and Bullet Interaction: The key to survival is understanding the fairies trickery. Each fairy can only harm you with bullets that match their colour. For example, a purple fairy firing a yellow bullet is simply trying to deceive you—it's safe to stand in that bullet's path. Gray fairies are completely harmless, and their attacks are just distractions.
  •  The Concentration meter: Having higher Concentration increases the amount of bullets you have as well as there damage. Concentration is spent by "Concentrating" allowing you to see through the fairies mischief and shooting decreases it
  • Controls:
    • WASD/Arrow keys: Move
    • Left Shift: "Concentrate" (Reveals which bullets are illusions mode)
    • Z: Shoot
    • P: Pause

                 You can take 10 hits before you are met with the Game Over screen 

Development Notes:

  • Due to time constraints, some features had to be cut. The boss fight was cut short, and a mini-boss as well as some power-ups didn’t make it in. I also planned to add enemy casting animations and smoother player movement animations, which unfortunately couldn't be implemented.

  • I another thing I wish I had implemented is object pooling, since it would have significantly improved performance. If I had more time, this would be the my next step.

Special Thanks: Huge thanks to my sister, @sealporium, for her incredible contribution as the artist for the game. Outside of the character art, everything else was done by me, Brandon.

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